The Kumzits: Jewish News & Views

Welcome to The Kumzits. We share Jewish news without judgment. We offer info and insights culled from publications you read religiously…or avoid at all costs. We’ll proudly share the best and won’t shy away from the worst or most controversial updates you may have missed. If you pressed us for a description, we might say that we curate the most interesting or relevant news from the Jewish world each week. We also offer original commentary and insights, and will also be launching a paid version in early 2025.

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What’s a Kumzits?

Kumzits (קומזיץ) is a Yiddish or Jewish-ish expression for a gathering, sometimes around the campfire. The word kumzits is likely a portmanteau of the Yiddish words for “come” and “sit,” but it’s more than that.

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